No hiring. No overhead.
No employee drama.
Just peace of mind.

Why Outsource?

Here’s the truth: anyone with the skills to think strategically about marketing & sales initiatives designed to drive and retain occupancy will cost high six-figures in today’s environment. Those people aren’t going to actually do the work; instead hiring agencies or building in-house marketing & sales teams to manage, costing money and taking time and resources away from your business’ growth.

What if instead you could have high-level, experienced thinking and oversight from senior living pros only at the level that you need, with a built-in staff ready to execute? Or maybe you have the perfect person in your C-suite, but have together struggled to find the right executional support to achieve your common goals. In either scenario, our category experts can save you money and time by providing high-level strategic consulting and/or day-to-day execution — ready to go on day one.

The challenge.

Internal marketing/sales department that diverts time and resources.

  • Cost of Hiring

  • Salaries & Benefits

  • Overhead

  • Federal & State Employee Requirements

  • External Agencies Needed to Support Team

  • Ongoing Training & Education

COST: $$$$$

The solution.

Fractional CMO, CSO or marketing/sales team support services that improve your bottom line.

  • Cost of Internal Sales/Marketing Department

  • High-Level Strategy

  • Appropriate Team Level Execution

  • Creative Team on Call

  • On-Brand Identity, Voice & Messaging

  • Accountability & Results

COST: $$